The dirty cattery
Next we see the dirty cattery our boy was unwittingly sent to resulting in his ultimate death
Note from the writer of this site at this point I would like to point out that all other cats in my cattery are and remain so to this day a year later healthy and have suffered no illnesses. The other stud cat that shared the cattery with Irwin is still well and healthy and has suffered no illness. I have a written letter from my vet that this is the case. Also note very conveniently CR has taken her website down and claims to have stopped breeding presumably in a misguided effort to stop the registry taking any action.
Irwin went to this cattery a healthy happy stud boy. He was returned in a dreadful state. He was smelly ,his coat was dirty and unkempt. Irwin was in general poor condition. After visiting our vet with him he was confirmed to have a high coronavirus level and toxoplasmosis. He appeared to be petrified and scared to eat. After his death some of the strange symptoms which didnt make sense started to add up. It was possible he also could have been suffering with campylobacter. It was discovered that CR had also had camplyobacter shortly before having Irwin into her care. The above picture is not Irwin but one of CRs cats. There is a clear link between toxoplasmosis and camplyobacter , the link being mice spreading the disease in unhygienic conditions.
This dirty cattery is where our boy was unwittingly sent to ,resulting in his ultimate death.
Note. Earlier on we said we would refer back to a post where CR was saying she had a bad stomach bug that was taking a while to get over. This was around the same time she sold the three sick kittens in the first piece of evidence. As above CR had campylobactor before having Irwin . Is this history being repeated.
Below is an explanation of Toxo in cats, then mice & camplylobactor. See how it all links together.
Now we have CRs next ranting saying she only cleans every 7 to 10 days. Though quite how she achieves what she says she does is a bit mystifying. This is a person who claims to need a carer to help her get out of bed in a morning to get her breakfast and to help her wash and dress. A person who claims she spends 80% of her time in bed yet suddenly she is able to do what she claims in next ranting. She will probably try to justify this by saying she employs someone for an hour a day to clean the cats but lets work this out. Clean cats in 3 bedrooms, plus downstairs plus the cattery in 1 hour??? Just what she claims in this statement will take more than an hour.
CRs own words "Lets get the facts right here. I do seperate my cats.They live in three bedrooms.. two cats, two cats and three cats to each room. Once a week /10 days everything is taken up downstairs, all throws are washed, the whole of the downstairs is steam cleaned and disinfected and cats from a different room are brought down. Litter trays are personal and moved with each group. I have no carpets, every room in my house has vinyl flooring. So spreading the disease is just not possible."
Now to some the lies may not be all that evident but the contradictions in CRs own statements are . Now you are about to start seeing the lies before the next stage in her great takeover plan .This is a statement from the very witness that CR claims saw the health of her kittens. As you can see its a very different view from that of CR.
I was there in 2016 and the hygiene was bad. There was a rampant F.I.P problem. Two kittens died there whilst I was there.
Btw both myself and my husband have been there. I have left strict rules to the buyer of my cat not ever to take my cat to her premise...once Bjorn had been staying in her pens.I almost died when I heard it.I have warned by buyers again since I heard about your cat.Unfortunately they had contacted CR and she sent me vile threats. Especially low as i battle breast cancer atm.If she contacts me again I am going to the police
Now for the next victim in CRs grand scheme, the final piece of the puzzle to break. The genetics of a cat whom was the only one in the country to carry this particular line. Again posing as a friend CR spent two years cajoling the breeder of this cat to get what she wanted. When she got it she sent the cat back to the owner to die. The statement below was submitted to the registry as an official complaint.PLEASE NOTE PAGE NUMBERS QUOTED BELOW DO NOT RELATE TO THIS REPORT BUT TO THE BELOW COMPLAINT PUT IN TO THE REGISTERING BODY.
On the 7th Dec 2018 it was agreed after many months of pressure that my stud boy Irwin would go to CR and her stud boy Arfur would come here to mate with their perspective queens
My girl would not go anywhere near Arfur so no mating was done On the other hand CR immediately put 2 Queens with my boy Irwin I was shocked to say the least firstly only one mating was agreed and to put two queens in with a stud at the same time is not the norm,Irwin was with CR for one month and he came back at the beginning of Jan2019 and likewise Arfur went back to her at the same time, and it was agreed that I would have a girl from Arfur's next litter only one kitten though despite the fact that she had two matings from my boy.
I was quite shocked when I got him home as he was in poor condition and was so stressed out all he did was cower up a corner,Before he went to CR he was a beautiful big boy healthy and happy ,the most loving placid boy I have ever known, with a beautiful coat and big bright green eyes he was full of life and love and had never been to a vet with any illness only to receive his vaccinations. Her boy Arfur went back healthy just as I had received him
Whilst here with me my boy Irwin lived in a thermostatically heated stud house with another boy both in separate pens with their own runs and own trays and own toys,he had never been used as a stud with anyone else's cats never been to a show or in a cattery or mixed with any cats apart from my queens he was 4years and 8 months old.,I have no idea how she managed to get me to agree to let her have my boy I had never allowed anyone to use him or any of my cats for at anytime in the past
At this point I will also confirm that we have never had any FIP or toxoplasmosis in this house, and we have never had any calls from kitten buyers saying that their kittens had developed FIP
My boy was so stressed out it took me 3 weeks just to get him to eat without me holding on to his paw or stroking him, he was hungry and wanted the food he just seemed scared to eat it, slowly he started to return to himself and wanting his fusses and cuddles as he did before he went to CR, then just short of three months down the line I went to take him for his vaccinations and noticed that he was jaundiced, My vet knowing me never suspected anything infectious so was testing for a variety of conditions all of which came up negative, with no where else to go they tested for Coronavirus and Toxoplasmosis both of which came back positive He had been exposed to both and the three month period was conclusive for all this to manifest into a very high Coronavirus reading and for toxo to get to his liver, he became very ill and had to be put to sleep,FIP was not confirmed but my vet was pretty sure that he had FIP as well.
I contacted CR who at first denied anything Then she proceeded to blow her top and tell all and sundry and post on a forum and publicly on Facebook that she had been accused of killing a cat and that she was innocent Then she offered me a kitten of Irwin's, that I was not going to risk (And why do that if you are innocent) so I asked her to pay the stud fee or fees as it turned out, She had also told me that some of the kittens were going to other breeders This also I would not risk and I told her that I would only give permission for the kittens to go as pets, she went against my wishes and registered all the kittens on the active register, Registration no 10411040 and 1041141
CR had a duty of care to my boy as I did with her cat She chose not to exersise that duty of care
My boy Irwin was the only cat available with his line of genetics and she wanted him regardless of anything happening in her cattery I know realise she worked on me for well over a year.
So she knew she had problems but still took my boy and put him at risk which ultimately led to his death
She Never told me any of the things that have happened in her cattery Never warned me of any problems actual or possible She just made out that she knew what she was doing and she was this big hot shot when in fact lies theft and fraudulent activities are the whole story .
She then mounted a campaign of nastiness she removes my name and another breeders name from a international website she chose to write on a forum Tica australian mists that she was chair of my request to join was ignored I had to go through M…..W...... to get approved on it She then started talking about it to other people some of which got back to me She thought it appropriate to laugh and jump up and down when the registrations came through on the active register all the time knowing how totally devastated I was then came the threats if I responded to any comments she would put all publicly This I later found out is what she does to all who dare to complain and stand up to her This is how she stops people from complaining you will see this on the complaints/reports that I have submitted, it is quite clear that the only reason for wanting me to be friends was so she could get my breeding.I started to search around as another breeder was having problems with her at the time and I was shocked, she had been on bad cat breeder I have a copy of the report to large to include in the 10 pages yet she still claims her innocence and I found a rip off report2017 (report 2) and it went on from there I found out that other breeders had had FIP in their catteries after going to her cattery I was passed a vet report for dead kittens found people who had fallen out with her, a written statement on the web(report 3a) and also scamion report (not included copy in my file)most shockingly all were the same, People confront her then she threatens them and scares them into not reporting her so at this point I turn to her website and find lies I find the amount of litters she has bred and what she was charging mounted up to a staggering amount of money and all this whilst on benefits and then Bingo despite denying everything with me and other people she has written on her website that she had FIP OUTSTANDING (report 5 not included can be viewed on her website under Fip) then I find a witness who saw cats dying. (report 6) then there is the vet who she conned into filling in the cattery of excellence form yes a friend of a friend not her own vet who should of filled it in as only they knew the history not the poor lady from Australia who did not know the TICA rule Though nothing to do with this. now she is falling out with another breeder due to a whole host of wrong doings including what can only be described as stealing one of her cats that she allowed her and her friends to uses The whole thing was an elaborate plan to get all the genetics into her possession as these cats are rare in the UK She wanted to be the big I am
Page 8 shows the disgusting shambles that my boy was kept in whilst at her cattery, unlined,dirty,no sneeze barriers
Page 9-11 show litters together with cats sharing another no no,admissions of 2 kittens died one from each litter, how cats are left to birth alone,How someone who sleeps 70% of the time can breed cats and clean I am not sure
She claims on her rantings that she had coronavirus done at one lab and toxo done at another lab Why? Why would you do that when IDEXX do both tests together? she also states that after discussion with the relevant experts that none of these diseases could of come from her cattery, Why would an expert say there is no way that it has come from her cattery when toxo is not passed from cat to cat in order to get toxo the cat will have to eat an egg and they don;t become infective till 24 hours after it is excreted cats are infected from wild prey,un frozen raw meat and dirty litter trays She clearly has no knowledge of the disease and quite how any expert would say that coronavirus was not from her cattery when her cat tested positive I am not sure, How could that expert say 100% that her cat did not have it whilst with my boy? The dirty dilapidated structure(page 8) that my boy was kept in and cats free roaming in the garden unkempt shows lack of care. And alongside reports of dirty clutterd conditions even recently we heard of a dirty cluttered kitchen shows disease control is unimportant and infection control is not understood
On her rantings she attempts to blame my cats for the infection so here are the facts
CR 8-10 matings in 12-15 months me 2 matings in 18 months
CR bedding washed every 7-10 days me bedding washed every day (in 18 months me on 3rd washing machine) see her own statement on her cleaning regime pg 20
CR employs a random to clean cattery for an hour a day she sleeps 80% of time me 4 hours cleaning everyday minimum see my cleaning regime can be submitted on request
CR disinfectant not effective at killing FcoV or FIP also uses silicon litter which is no good in multicat households does not clump so de clumping very difficult as matter mixes when cats scratch t This can be seen on her website under recommended shopping, me disinfectant that kills FcoV and FIP (Anigene used)
CR several reports of FIP me zero reports of FIP
CR cats from various places inc Germany and importing stray street cats from Thailand me no cats in and out just my own cats (see her website statement) any new cat coming here is quarantined for 3 months
CR breeding for 16 years khao manee breeders walked away from her, burmese breeders do not like her the reason she deals with TICA and not GCCF, now mist breeders will not supply her with any more matings Numerous reports of FIP banned from the national pet show me registered my prefix with GCCF over 30 years ago and never one single case of FIP never been banned from any show
CR complaints from neighbours, myself, no complaints from neighbours
Me thinks CR is clutching at straws she is either unhinged or very silly spouting out to try and defend herself without thinking or she has no idea of infection control see(page 20)The following is for your information though not related to my complant it shows what a devious manipulative person CR is The below will not have evidence attached but do have it all in the folder put together 10 page limit prevents me sending it without extra cost
Page 12 shows lies, her website stating she only has one litter a year when in fact there have been 8-10 in the last 12-15 months
Page 13 shows she uses Arfur as a public stud risking bringing in disease
Page 14 show a kitten F1 selling at £750 her Pure cats sell at around £800 work that one out how much money has come in whilst on benefits certainly not a hobby breeder that's a business or back yard breeder knocking out copious amounts of kittens whilst not having the ability to care for them because she sleeps or is in bed most of the day
Page 15 shows that the certificate of excellence should have been signed by her own vet and it wasn't it was filled in by an Australian vet not working here ,a friend of a friend who did not know the rules, her own vet would not have been able to fill it in because they knew the history whilst the poor lady who got conned into signing it did not know the history This is a clear breach of TICA rules to make herself look good
Page 16 is a copy of the TICA Australian mist breeding policy and it clearly states that outcrossing to Burmese is not allowed This she has done several times and as recently as a 3 months ago, Another breach of TICA Rules
Every morning litter trays are fully bleached inside and out fresh litter put in
Then all bedding is replaced Then all floors throughout the house are hoovered them mopped
Then the same in the cattery
All litter trays are declumped at least 4 times a day each tray has its own scoop and bottle of spray disinfectant each time a tray is declumped it is misted from above with disinfectant that kills Fcov and FIP is anti viral anti fungal anti bacterial and anti sporal and is safe for cats and humans and used in Vets the tracker mats are also sprayed
Each room has its own mop
Each tray has its own set of expensive double layered tracker mats that litter falls through the holes and stay in the mat they are emptied out daily, washed daily one is down whilst the other is being washed
Each day cats have a fresh set of toys whilst the previous days toys are washed
Kittens have a new set of toys for each litter
All bowls are bleached after every use then washed in hot soapy water
cattery walls and surfaces are wiped daily mats between rooms are sprayed several times a day and feet are wiped on them new mats are put down each day
All furniture in cats room is pulled out daily Hoover foot is sprayed with disinfectant between rooms
All mops and scoops are kept in bleach water All dust pans and brushes are washed after each use
Even the meat packets are rinsed out in bleach water before going in the bin to avoid flies and vermin
Now check out CRs cleaning regime (page 20) I think it speaks for itself.
Also be aware if you have any documents from CR be sure to get them directly from the source Last month another breeder caught her forging my letter that I sent to TICA saying only to register on none active register (not for breeding) I do not know if CR ever sent this to TICA or if she decided not to send it due to being caught red handed ,But if she can do it once she could do it again
I have also submitted an extra page with info on Toxo and how cats catch it I can confirm that my boy never had unfrozen meat nor did he ever have shared or dirty trays or did he have access to wild animals such as birds and mice
I do not know if there is a link but Campylobactor is also carried by chickens and mice and roughly around the same time CR had Campylobactor food poisoning She also feed day old chicks the sort that are commonly sold at 10 pence each for falcons and reptiles I have also attached a post by CR saying that she is mincing her own meat Where the meat comes from I do not know
Also CR is known to be using 3 different vet surgeries Companion pets at Winchester, PDSA at Southampton and there is another a couple of streets away but I do not know the name of that she also used Easypetcare as well WHY?
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